297: “Total Depravity”: The Heart of the Debate
In this episode Kenny again tackles the “Calvinism and Arminianism” debate (which happens to be one of the most heated debates amongst Protestants). Herein episode 297, Kenny unpacks [...]
In this episode Kenny again tackles the “Calvinism and Arminianism” debate (which happens to be one of the most heated debates amongst Protestants). Herein episode 297, Kenny unpacks [...]
In this episode Kenny tackles one of the most heated debates amongst evangelicals: Calvinism vs. Arminianism. Kenny gives the history of Calvinism and Reformed theology, and then explains the [...]
In this episode Kenny explains the historical origins and evolution of Calvinist soteriology. He then explains that the acronym TULIP is a helpful tool to remember the five main points of [...]
In this episode Kenny explains the heart of Protestant theology, which can be summed up in five key theological statements known as “The Five Solas.” The Five Solas of the Protestant [...]
In this episode, Kenny briefly explains and outlines the history and essence of Reformed Theology (also known as Calvinism). This podcast episode is designed to be a foundational episode, laying [...]
After a four year hiatus, Kenny Ortiz is resurrecting the “Theology for the Rest of Us” podcast. He gives an update on his life. Then, he comes back strong by asking the question, [...]
In this episode, Kenny tackles the reality that there will be various opinions and convictions from different people in our lives and churches as we make attempts to return to some sense of [...]
In this episode, Kenny encourages and challenges listeners to be very careful with what they post on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many Christians are posting things that seem to be [...]
Currently, the world is facing a global pandemic—the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In the midst of the panic, fear, and frustrations there are many different responses. One common phrase used by [...]
Each year North American evangelicals spend millions of dollars on short-term missions trips. A recent listener of the podcast asked whether or not this is appropriate? Would it be better for us [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the question: “How Much Money Should I Be Giving?” In essence, Kenny makes it clear that there’s no precise set amount that we ought to give, but [...]
In this episode, Kenny tackles the word “saved” and how it’s utilized by many contemporary evangelicals. In addition, Kenny covers the prominent Christian adage that “we [...]
People often ask, “Why did God allow Adam to sin in the first place?” Many have wondered, if God knew that sin would cause such devastation to humanity, and such eternal consequences, [...]
This episode is a sequel to the previous episode. In episode 283 Kenny responded to an email that had asked about how Christians ought to pray. Here in this episode, Kenny explains how the [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers an email from a regular listener about prayer. The email asked if Christians ought to recite specific prayers, such as the Lord’s Prayer or other prayers [...]
Some skeptics claim that Christianity stole its fundamental claims from preexisting pagan religions. In this episode, Kenny responds to this claim, making it clear that there is absolutely no [...]
Was Jesus a real person? Did he actually exist? Is there evidence that Jesus was a real historical person? Yes, Jesus was indeed a real person. And, yes, there is plenty of evidence for this. In [...]
There have been moments when some well-meaning evangelicals have challenged certain scholars merely on the basis that those scholars just so happen to be scholars, as if scholarship itself is [...]
In this episode Kenny answers a question from a listener about the omnipresence of God, and whether or not God is in hell. Sometimes modern evangelicals frequently use the term [...]
U.S. President Donald Trump appeared at McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia on June 2, 2019 where prominent pastor and author David Platt serves as the primary teaching pastor. Eventually [...]
On Sunday June 2, 2019, U.S. President Donald Trump made an impromptu visit to McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia. President Trump was there to honor the lives of those individuals that were [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the question, “Should we value all opinions?” Another way to answer this question is to say, “Are all opinions created equal?” or [...]
We live in an age where cynicism runs rampant. How are Christians to live in such difficult times? Unique of all people, Christians are called to embrace a hopeful outlook on life. In this [...]
This episode is a follow-up to the previous episode wherein Kenny talked about how to handle false teachers, even when we have been somehow benefited by those preachers’ teachings or [...]
There is a lot of controversy in Evangelical circles about our approach to heresies, false teaching, and erroneous teachers. In this episode Kenny answers the question “Can people still [...]
When you’re in the midst of suffering, you want answers for the unanswerable, resolutions to the unresolvable. You want to tie up pain in a pretty little package and hide it under the bed, taking [...]
In this episode Kenny discusses the concept of apologetics as being the defense of the Christian faith and the Biblical worldview. We are called to defend and give reasons for why we believe the [...]
In this episode Kenny discusses the concept of intelligent design, which asserts that the universe was indeed intentionally created and fashioned by some supreme creator or intelligent being. [...]
There are various opinions about how we ought to approach our study of the origins of humanity. And there are various pieces of data coming from different genres of science that impact that [...]
In this episode, Kenny explains the Kalam Cosmological Argument and why it is a strong defense for the idea and existence of a supreme Creator. This apologetic argument asserts that since the [...]
In this episode, Kenny responds to a reviewer comment that accuses Kenny of denying creation. Kenny responds by making clear what he believers and why. Kenny also explains his motivations for the [...]
In this episode Kenny interviews world-renowned philosopher and best-selling author J.P. Moreland about his new book “Scientism and Secularism.” The book is about some of the [...]
There are many arguments for the existence of a Creator. One of the arguments is the fine tuning Argument. The fine-tuning argument is a philosophical and scientific argument that asserts that [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews world-renowned astronomer and best-selling author Hugh Ross about various topics related to Old-Earth creationism and Old Testament hermeneutics. Dr. Ross is [...]
When it comes to the origins of the Earth, the most prominent perspective held by many contemporary American Evangelicals is the concept of Young-Earth Creationism. This is the idea that God [...]
Many people in our contemporary society claim to be focused on the “evidence” only, therefore they refuse to embrace anything that seems non-scientific, which would cause them to [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews Ben Stanhope about the topic of the Leviathan and the Behemoth, as mentioned in the Old Testament. In this interview Ben discusses the Ancient Near Eastern [...]
In this episode Kenny answers the question, “Are Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible?” The primary Bible passages that Kenny examines are Job 40 & 41. Kenneth OrtizKenneth E. Ortiz [...]
The questions about the historicity and legitimacy of Adam and Eve are important ones, with serious theological ramifications directly impacting how we view sin, sin nature, and the Gospel. In [...]
Whenever discussing creationism, the topic of dinosaurs will always inevitability always come up as a part of the conversation. In this episode Kenny answers the question, “What happened to [...]
Many people claim to be committed to “science” or claim to be focused on “the evidence” and they demand that every argument and every theory within our natural realm and world solely be [...]
Many people claim to be “scientific” or focused on “evidence” when all the while ignoring one important potential genre or stream of evidence, and that is any evidence [...]
In this episode, tackles the question about animal death before the fall of mankind. Some Evangelical Christians assert that all death entered the world through the fall of Adam, therefore there [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews author, apologist, podcaster, and philosopher Tyler Vela to talk about the literary framework hypothesis of Genesis 1 as well as Tyler’s thoughts about [...]
This episode is very unique because Kenny uses the life of Steve Jobs as an illustration for this point. This episode is a sequel to the previous episode (Understanding Genesis One: Part 1) [...]
There are many different ways to interpret and understand the book of Genesis, especially chapter one. In this episode, Kenny gives some history about how Christians have viewed Genesis 1 and he [...]
In recent times there has been a new debate about the historicity of Adam. Was he a real man or is the Biblical figure just a metaphoric figure? Was he uniquely created or did he evolve? Does [...]
This episode is unique from most episodes of the podcast because this episode covers content and material from a previous episode, but simply does so in a shorter time (episode 248 is similar, [...]
In this episode, Kenny tackles the question, “Should Christians Believe in Evolution?” First, Kenny asserts the importance of clarifying what type of evolution we’re actually [...]
This episode is somewhat unique in that it covers material from a previous episode, but in a shorter time. This episode covers the same content that is covered in episode 247 however this episode [...]
How old is the universe? How old is the Earth? These are questions often asked by Christians throughout the world, seeking to understand the origins of humanity while also seeking to reconcile [...]
Many people in our world are lacking true joy and satisfaction, longing for “something more” but so many of them end up settling for a sub-par life and sub-par spirituality, simply [...]
A frequent (and tragic) trend in modern American Evangelicalism is the devaluing of the importance of quality doctrine and theology. This is evident in many ways in contemporary American [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the question: Will people from all Christian denominations go to heaven, or will only certain ones, with the right doctrine, be saved in the end? This can be a [...]
Last year, our host Kenny did a mini-series on the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Kenny tackled multiple topics related to the Holy Spirit. One of [...]
Romantic relationships can be complicated, even under the best of circumstances, but they get even more complicated when flawed philosophies and bad theology are thrown into the mix. One of the [...]
Civil disobedience has long been an effective manner of protest, both in antiquity as well as in contemporary societies. The protests led by Gandhi in India, the American civil rights movement of [...]
In response to an email from a regular listener which included a question about the mixture of Christian theology and American nationalism. Some Christians claim that the USA is a [...]
In this episode, Kenny explains the concepts of natural rights and natural law. Kenny compares and contrasts natural rights, that originate from a source that transcends governments, with legal [...]
Throughout the pages of the Old Testament, many of the kings were sinful and wicked. In other cases they may not have lived a totally wicked lifestyle, but they made some very sinful choices. Why [...]
In this episode, Kenny covers the topic of “replacement” theology, which is the term that Dispensationalists use when they are referring to concept that the Jews are no longer [...]
Recently, a regular listener sent Kenny an email asking about Yoga, and whether or not it is okay for Christians to practice it. Yoga is the traditionally Hindu theistic philosophy and ascetic [...]
In this episode, Kenny responds to an email from a regular listener asking about the word “glory” and its definition in relation to how Jesus refers to it in John 17:22. In the [...]
At face value, prayer seems to be one of the simplest and most powerful disciplines that any Christian can engage in. Prayer is an incredible privilege! We have the opportunity to talk with and [...]
In this episode, Kenny dives into the terms “conservative” and “liberal” explaining what they literally mean, and more importantly, explaining how those terms are utilized [...]
Within Christian theology, heterodoxy has typically been explained as any Biblical interpretations or Christian doctrines that are different from the official or orthodox positions of the church [...]
Traditionally, heresy has been said to be any belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious dogma and is profoundly at odds with what has generally been accepted. In this episode, Kenny [...]
With the popularity of non-orthodox Christian theology and modern liberal ideology growing within contemporary Christian circles, there has been a need to label or identify those specific [...]
Since the middle of the 1800’s theological liberalism has become an influential movement and a part of mainstream thought within many churches, seminaries, and denominations throughout [...]
There are multiple occurrences in the Scriptures of people being possessed by demons or influenced by evil spirits and principalities. Recently, Kenny received an email from a regular listener [...]
The most frequent questions that Kenny gets (both from podcast listeners as well as from some of the young people that he has mentored) are typically related to the topic of sex. One frequently [...]
Multiple times throughout his ministry career and throughout his correspondence with regular listeners of the podcast, Kenny has been asked about nudity in media, in the arts, and in our society [...]
Throughout the New Testament the apostles made reference to the Old Testament law and its connection to the Gospel. The law was the set of rules, regulations, and expectations that God had set [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews a personal friend about a recent non-profit organization she launched called “Closely Held.” Several years ago, Amber Matyi and her husband had a [...]
The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koiné Greek. Some observers have pondered the question: As the Scriptures have been translated from its original languages into modern [...]
The traditional role of mothers throughout human history has been to have their primary focus to be on child rearing and home making. However, modern feminism has changed that throughout Western [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers a question based upon recent correspondence with a regular listener about discipleship. What’s the difference between a convert and a disciple? We are all [...]
Many segments of our contemporary society do not value work within the home. Other segments even look down on mothers that choose to stay at-home with the kids instead of [...]
There are many people who claim that they are Christians, but is it possible to determine if they truly are Christians? Can you know if they are genuine followers of Jesus? Have they truly been [...]
Dealing with heresies and dealing with those individuals whom espouse heresies is something that the church has been dealing with since the church’s inception. In this episode, Kenny [...]
As a part of an on going mini-series on issues related to homosexuality, Kenny addresses the questions around Christian business owners being forced to serve same-sex weddings, as well as other [...]
Mainstream views on homosexuality have shifted significantly in contemporary society over the past decade. Being homosexual is viewed as being perfectly normal, and even celebrated, by many [...]
Lots of gay people claim that their inclinations and affections for the same gender are feelings that they have experienced since they were very young. Most would claim: “I was born this [...]
Contemporary western society is becoming increasingly more hostile towards the Gospel and increasingly more accepting of alternative lifestyles. People who stand for traditional Biblical morality [...]
The cultural stigma around homosexuality has lessened significantly over the past few years in Western society, but certainly still remains. And the cultural stigma that is around homosexuality [...]
There has been a moral revolution in America over the last few years, changing how people view homosexuality and other related topics. One recent expectation is the idea of complete [...]
Parenting is one of the greatest privileges, and one of the greatest responsibilities, that God has given to human beings. If you are a parent you know how hard parenting can be, and how tough it [...]
Typically, American Evangelicals are conservative in their theology and conservative in their politics as well. That means that most American Evangelicals support the typical conservative [...]