263: Young-Earth Creationism and the Global Flood with Steve Schramm
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When it comes to the origins of the Earth, the most prominent perspective held by many contemporary American Evangelicals is the concept of Young-Earth Creationism. This is the idea that God created the universe and everything in this universe in six literal calendar days (six consecutive 24-hour periods).
The Young-Earth position asserts that God created everything approximately 6,000 years ago (although some Young Earth Creationists say that it may have happened as far back as 10,000 to 15,000 years ago) and most Young-Earth creationists argue that the science and date that seem to point to an Old-Earth (billions of years old) is science that is being done with flawed presuppositions therefore always leads to flawed conclusions.
In this episode, Kenny interviews podcaster and apologist Steve Schramm. They discuss the Biblical reasons why someone might embrace the Young-Earth position as well as discussing various related topics such as the global flood, the Garden of Eden, and the various hermeneutical approaches to Genesis. Steve is an avid proponent of the Young-Earth position. He seeks to train Christians to become confident and passionate about wholeheartedly serving Jesus as well as defending the Christian faith.
Additional Reading
Check out Steve Schramm’s website: Steveschramm.com
Tyler Vela’s response to Steve Schramm: “Rejoinders to a YEC Response” (Part 1)
Tyler Vela’s response to Steve Schramm: “Rejoinders to a YEC Response” (Part 2)
Steve Schramm’s Response to Tyler Vela: “Defending a Young Earth” (Part 1)
Steve Schramm’s Response to Tyler Vela: “Defending a Young Earth” (Part 2)

Steve is a church leader, researcher, blogger, and sought-after speaker. He's an avid proponent of the Young-Earth position. He seeks to train Christians to become confident and passionate about wholeheartedly serving Jesus as well as defending the Christian faith.