28: What is Justification?

 In Grace, Podcasts, Soteriology, Theological Vocabulary

Justification is the central doctrine at the heart of the Gospel message. Justification is the act of God whereby God chooses to completely remove the guilt sin.

Justification was the central doctrine by which the entire Protestant Reformation was ignited, and brought massive change and revival across Europe in the 16th century. Justification is much greater than merely a pardon. A pardon is declaring that a guilty person does not have to suffer the consequences of his guilt, but justification is something different and greater. Justification says that the guilt itself has been removed, declaring the person innocent and therefore not deserving of any penalty whatsoever.

In this episode, Kenny clearly explains what justification actually is, and makes the point that justification is not progressive. Kenny also outlines how we can receive justification (by faith alone, not by works we do), and he explains how justification tangibly impacts our lives.

Highlighted Passages:

Romans 4:20-5:1

Romans 5:10

Galatians 2:16

Recommended Books:

Redefined (by Kenneth Ortiz)