235: Why Does Jesus Give Us “Glory”? (Examining John 17:22)

 In Glorification, Gospel of John, Jesus, Podcasts, Sanctification

In this episode, Kenny responds to an email from a regular listener asking about the word “glory” and its definition in relation to how Jesus refers to it in John 17:22.

In the passage in question, Jesus says these words: “I have given them the glory You have given Me. May they be one as We are one.” (HCSB). Kenny explains that the word “glory” refers to fame, praise, exaltation, and honor. Typically, humans ought to make God famous as well as seek to praise and honor Him for who He is, and in doing so our innermost souls are fully satisfied.

Jesus is making the point that Jesus will then present humans as fully redeemed, not to praise or exalt our character, but so that the work of God in us can be made known, praised, honored, and exalted. And in doing so, God Himself will take joy, delight, and sanctification in us because of the amazing redemption that has been completed in us.