281: Did Jesus Really Exist?
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Was Jesus a real person? Did he actually exist? Is there evidence that Jesus was a real historical person?
Yes, Jesus was indeed a real person. And, yes, there is plenty of evidence for this. In fact, the evidences for this is overwhelming. Jesus being a real historical person has not ever been in question throughout history until very recently. Even religious skeptics throughout the ages have accepted the reality of a man named Jesus that lived in Palestine in the first-century.
In this episode, Kenny gives the reasons and evidences for the historical Jesus.
Works Cited
What is the historical evidence that Jesus Christ lived and died? [article by Dr. Simon Gathercole]
Jesus: Evidence and Argument or Mythicist Myths? (Maurice Casey)
Contra Celsum [Wikipedia entry]
Josephus on Jesus [Wikipedia entry]
Pliny the Younger speaks about Christians [Wikipedia entry]
Tacitus mentions Jesus [Wikipedia entry]
Manuscript evidence for superior New Testament reliability [article by Matt Slick]
“Minimal Facts” Approach to the Resurrection [lecture from Gary Habermas]
Additional Recommend Resources
The Evidence for Jesus [article by William Lane Craig]
Is there proof that Jesus existed? [article by Matt Slick]
The Resurrection of the Son of God (NT Wright)
The New Testament in Its World (NT Wright & Michael Bird)
The Case for Christ (Lee Stroebl)
Is There Any Evidence That Jesus Didn’t Exist? [YouTube video from William Lane Craig]
Did Jesus Even Exist? Responding to 5 Objections Raised by @rawstory [article by Michael J. Kruger]
Did Jesus Really Exist? [article by Paul L. Maier]
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (by Gary Habermas and Michael Licona)

Kenneth E. Ortiz (Th.M.) is Lead Pastor of Horizon City Church and Ph.D. Candidate at Midwestern Seminary. He has 15+ years of vocational ministry experience. Kenneth previously served as a professor at Bethlehem College and adjunct faculty at Spurgeon College. Kenneth lives in Minneola, FL with his wife Malaina, they have three kids.