14: Is Masturbation Really a Sin?

 In Lifestyle, Masturbation, Podcasts, Sex

Many people have been told by their pastors or parents that masturbation is bad and sinful, while there are some other church leaders that have told their flocks that masturbation is normal and maybe even helpful.

So, is masturbation really a sin or not? This is a question often asked by many people, particularly young unmarried men.

The Bible never clearly or explicitly condemns the act of masturbation, but it does give us some ideas and insights into how we ought to approach this topic.

In this episode, Kenny seeks to examine God’s original design for human beings and our sexual cravings, and examines the ideal design for the satisfaction of those cravings. While the Bible does not clearly condemn masturbation, Kenny makes the point that we probably should still seek to avoid it, and he also gives us some additional thoughts on the topic that we ought to consider.

Highlighted Passages:

Song of Solomon 2:6

1 Corinthians 7

Matthew 5:27-28