285: Why Did God Allow Sin?

People often ask, “Why did God allow Adam to sin in the first place?” Many have wondered, if God knew that sin would cause such devastation to humanity, and such eternal consequences, [...]


142: Are All Sins Equal?

There is a common belief among many Christians that “all sins are equal”… but is idea this true? In this episode, Kenny dives into the history of this common belief and what [...]


135: What is the Unforgivable Sin?

Many people have asked their pastors and church leaders about the topic of the “unpardonable sin” that Jesus talks about in Matthew 12:31-32. In that passage Jesus makes it clear that [...]


78: Why is Homosexuality a Sin?

In this episode, Kenny clearly explains why God labels homosexuality as a sin. Kenny starts the episode apologizing to any person who identifies as gay who has been mistreated by Christians. [...]


54: What is Sin?

While it may seem like there’s an obvious answer to the question “What is Sin?” our podcast host Kenny feels that many people often miss the real definition of sin. Many people [...]