After a four year hiatus, Kenny Ortiz is resurrecting the “Theology for the Rest of Us” podcast. He gives an update on his life. Then, he comes back strong by asking the question, [...]
In this episode, Kenny tackles the reality that there will be various opinions and convictions from different people in our lives and churches as we make attempts to return to some sense of [...]
Romantic relationships can be complicated, even under the best of circumstances, but they get even more complicated when flawed philosophies and bad theology are thrown into the mix. One of the [...]
Mainstream views on homosexuality have shifted significantly in contemporary society over the past decade. Being homosexual is viewed as being perfectly normal, and even celebrated, by many [...]
Lots of gay people claim that their inclinations and affections for the same gender are feelings that they have experienced since they were very young. Most would claim: “I was born this [...]
Contemporary western society is becoming increasingly more hostile towards the Gospel and increasingly more accepting of alternative lifestyles. People who stand for traditional Biblical morality [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers a question from a regular listener about talking to friends who may be a part of a church that is preaching heresy or being unfaithful to Biblical texts. In [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews author and broadcaster Erik Guzman about his new book “The Seed” and they dive into a great discussion about a variety of matters related to [...]
In this episode, Kenny addresses a question that he has been asked many times over the course of his ministry experience. Often young Christians have asked him whether or not they should jump [...]
The question answered herein this episode comes from a regular listener, after he listened to episode 55: Why Does Sexual Purity Matter? His questions is about cohabitation before marriage. Many [...]
We’ve all heard someone say, “Don’t judge me!” Should we follow that request? Or we’ve heard someone say, “Only God can judge me!” But is this true? What [...]
Sex is most certainly the juiciest topic. It’s the topic that everyone is interested in. Our church leaders and pastors often do a very good job of telling people to abstain from sex before [...]