There are multiple occurrences in the Scriptures of people being possessed by demons or influenced by evil spirits and principalities. Recently, Kenny received an email from a regular listener [...]
The most frequent questions that Kenny gets (both from podcast listeners as well as from some of the young people that he has mentored) are typically related to the topic of sex. One frequently [...]
Multiple times throughout his ministry career and throughout his correspondence with regular listeners of the podcast, Kenny has been asked about nudity in media, in the arts, and in our society [...]
Throughout the New Testament the apostles made reference to the Old Testament law and its connection to the Gospel. The law was the set of rules, regulations, and expectations that God had set [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews a personal friend about a recent non-profit organization she launched called “Closely Held.” Several years ago, Amber Matyi and her husband had a [...]
The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koiné Greek. Some observers have pondered the question: As the Scriptures have been translated from its original languages into modern [...]
The traditional role of mothers throughout human history has been to have their primary focus to be on child rearing and home making. However, modern feminism has changed that throughout Western [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers a question based upon recent correspondence with a regular listener about discipleship. What’s the difference between a convert and a disciple? We are all [...]
Many segments of our contemporary society do not value work within the home. Other segments even look down on mothers that choose to stay at-home with the kids instead of [...]
There are many people who claim that they are Christians, but is it possible to determine if they truly are Christians? Can you know if they are genuine followers of Jesus? Have they truly been [...]