144: How Was the Bible Compiled?

One of the primary tenants of the Christian faith is the authority of the Scriptures. The Bible is heavily relied upon by many people for the development of theology and doctrine as well as [...]


142: Are All Sins Equal?

There is a common belief among many Christians that “all sins are equal”… but is idea this true? In this episode, Kenny dives into the history of this common belief and what [...]


140: What is the Covenant of Redemption?

The system and framework of theology which asserts that the covenants are essential to overall hermeneutics (Biblical interpretation) is known as Covenant Theology, and it is typically contrasted [...]


138: What is Covenant Theology?

There are two primary frameworks used by most Protestants today to interpret Scripture: Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism. In this episode, Kenny talks about both frameworks of theology, [...]